Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Let The Dead Bury there own

Good Morning:
Today is day one on "The Medium Blonde Pyschic" blog.

The reason for this this blog is to bring people to there more "spirtal-selfs". Yes I know that is not the way that it is to be "Quoted" but that is the way that I got through to it.

Well back to the Lesson for the day... Yes my grandmother way an English teacher. And no she would not be proud of the punctuation or spelling at this time..... So just a little forgiveness in advance.

Yesterday was November 11 2008.. All of us knows a Veteran or is one.

Well here is the story:

Well get about an hour ago i got a call from my sister that her Sister-in-Law had passed on..
Dam, she was a fighter and only 40 with ovarian cancer.

So here goes the lesson for the day. I was out walking and it came to me that i had to do a lesson on let the dead bury there own.. This is from when Jesus ask "Peter" to be his desciple for the fishing docks . And Jesus says: Come and let the Dead bury there own..
Over Two Thousand years later people are still made about that.

Well this is what came to me on my visit with GOD..
Think when you go in to like a bar, gambling casino, prostiution, adultery, online sex and drugs,. I am just using these as 'examples" but now i want you to think how you feel when you are there...

Do you just not feel right.... Do you feel that you are being watched.... well you are, that is Jesus, him self telling you..

Come on my child these people here are all DEAD..... I have plans for you..... I am not finished with you...

But if you stay here you will not hear my voice through all the mud and muck.... You will not see me waiting to show you. Jesus always comes in "3" died and rose in "3" Father, Son, HolySpirt, "3 . 1/3+1/3+1/3.333333333333333333333333333333333 that
Faith, Hope and the Greatest of these is LOVE.......

Even Jesus let the DEAD bury there own, because he came back from the DEAD....
So can you.
This day stop look in the Mirror, for the mirror will tell no lies... do you see someone who wants to Rise up from the Dead... or do you just see dead...

Well that is my lesson for the day...
May God Bless and Keep all of you, and My his FACE shine on Yours.

Peace I send to you and your kin.

Kaari Fulton
"The Medium Blonde Psychic"