Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28th 2010

Today was a day of learning a new bible verse. 2 Corinthians 4 vs 4-7.

In this bible verse, I learned of Satan and all his empty promises, also of the blinders he covers our eye's with.
So we could never see the light of GOD shining through.

This happens so much durning the hoilday's, when we are so busy running around trying to make thing just right and everyone 'happy'.

The whole mouth of December , is the what I call; lets see who we can "please", month. Everything from the bright colored lights, the perfect tree's, to over the top gifts.

GOD sent his only son, Jesus Christ as the shining Light of Christmas, which we replace with christmas lights. GOD sent us a wooden stable and wooden cross, which we relaced with a large pine tree, GOD sent gold, silver, and murrhr, which we replaced with diamonds, cooking ware, and Channel.

Satan put's his 'blinders' on each and everyday. But especially during the hoilday's.

After the holiday rush is over, I for one alway's fell a little empty inside. I know as an adult it is because, I to replaced GOD'S perfect Christmas, for what I, thought was the perfect Christmas.

Remember, you can never out give GOD, because he gave the ulimate his Son JESUS Christ my Lord.