Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year, 2011.

Well on thing about a new year is that we have to remember a new number. Believe it or not sometimes that seems to be the most difficult.

When Jesus died on the cross over 2000 years ago there was never a 'date', it was marked by 'who or what' was in power for that country at that time.

But only After the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, that the apostles start to write the years. like 1 A.D. the was 365 days, from which Jesus died. Now we are at 2011 from which Jesus died.

Did your realize even the non-Christians have to write Jesus everyday and believe in it. . We all have to know the date and year when it comes to writing checks. It is on our computers, cell phones, it is everywhere.

Has it ever occurred to you that we do not use the date of the death of any Pope, Bishop, John Smith, Jehovah, Alli, Mohammad. It is because they were humans "man made".

Jesus was NOT human, he was GOD who came to earth in the form of a baby; died on a cross, and rose from the Dead. No one other then Jesus came back to life. Not one.

So when you are praying and worshipping your other god's, just remember those bones are dead and buried.

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