Sunday, January 2, 2011

Where there is fire, there is smoke.

Hello and Welcome to January 2nd 2011.

I made a point today to finish the chapters of 1st and 2nd Chronicles of the Bible today . What started out as a one or two day's of morning Bible study turned out to be about 2 weeks.

I knew that the books of Chronicles had to do with, King David and the Ark of the Convented, but I did not know what I was about to learn. I found out that King David did not get to build the temple to house the Ark, his son Solomon did. But, GOD Promised King David that only his descendants would be King of Jerusalem. And Jerusalem would be his bride.

Once the temple was made by King Solomon and the Holy of Hollie's room was was finished the Ark was ready to move but only the Levites priest were cleansed and blessed to Carrier the Ark to it's place of rest. Once in the final resting place, A Great White Smoke filled the room and a Voice of the Lord was pleased. For in the Ark of the Covenant are the Scroll's of GOD'S Law.

The Law's were given to Moses at the Burning Bush of White Fire, but there was No smoke. Until the Ark of the Covenant was in it's final resting place, and the White Smoke filled the room and GOD was Pleased.

To my fellow brothers and sister's in Christ, when GOD puts his thought in our hearts, those thought will be come a buring bush and with will need the attention to finish what GOD has sent us to do. When we have finished GOD's Will, the fire will turn to smoke and GOD will be pleased.

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