Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Now he is a stud.

Well in church on this past Sunday, there was a baptism, those are still so cool.
It is just amazing how a baby can get the entire congragation to just listen to the word of the
of the Pastor.

As he/she ask the parents and 'god' parent will they 'be there' for that child and teach this infant about the Lord and his son Jesus Christ our Savior? And of course they all say yes, we will teach him/her.

Then the Pastor looks to the congregation will you be there? We all said yes. But are we?

Do we go about our daily lives and forget about that child, did we not 'all promise' to be there? I remember saying yes. But even I am to blame. How can this child learn about GOD and his Son Jesus, if we forget the promise we made to him/her at their baptism.

We are not doing our jobs, and our children are getting lost in Cyberspace , and believe me Satan can not wait to replace you, and he will. Crimes againts children are up 1000 percent. Shame on all of us for not keeping our promise to be there for them.

The parable where Jesus said, let the Children come. He knew we must HUMBLE ourselves, to that of a child. For this is the only way, we will truly see Jesus.

As pastor baptised the child in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirt, the child Cooed.

When it was over our little Matthew said, man that kid is a stud; he did not even cry.
It is time for all of us to be like that little stud, and just coo in the presents of Jesus.

Kaari Fulton
Febuary 1st. 2011

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